N2 – K2 Chinese Speech and Drama Camp
2 days x 60 mins = $65.40 (Fees inclusive of GST)
Brought to you by Zhong Hua Le
Channel your child’s inner creativity and charisma as they explore the Chinese language and literature. Gain confidence, expand the vocabulary bank and have immense fun as we dive into popular stories and art.
This holiday, children can look forward to exploring these books and crafts.
Chinese Speech and Drama:
N2- 中文戏剧假期营 —《最棒的礼物》The Best Gift in the World
K1- 中文戏剧假期营 — 《森林里的聚会》Forest Party
K2- 中文戏剧假期营 — 《我爱平底锅》I Love my Frying Pan